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A tiny guide to adulting https://critter.blog/2019/07/09/a-tiny-guide-to-adulting/ 9 months ago
An inordinate amount of our attention is afforded... https://gkeenan.co/avgb/an-inordinate-amount-of-our-attention-is-afforded-to-absurdly-rich-children 10 months ago
Blogging is where it's at, again — Chris McLeod https://chrismcleod.dev/blog/blogging-is-where-its-at-again/ 9 months ago
Build a Blogroll with Eleventy https://benmyers.dev/blog/eleventy-blogroll/ 9 months ago
How to Improve Performance When Querying Apple Hea... https://www.iwader.co.uk/posts/2023/11/improve-performance-when-querying-apple-health-samples-in-shortcuts/ 9 months ago
How to schedule posts in Eleventy - localghost https://localghost.dev/blog/how-to-schedule-posts-in-eleventy/ 10 months ago
I Just Want a Nice Browser! | Havn https://havn.blog/2024/03/11/i-just-want.html 6 months ago
Manifesto for posting online in 2023 https://meandorla.substack.com/p/manifesto-for-posting-online-in-2023 10 months ago