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Badassify Your Terminal and Shell: Tips to Enhance... https://jilles.me/badassify-your-terminal-and-shell/ 7 months ago
cURL to Fetch https://kigiri.github.io/fetch/ 7 months ago
Dotfiles Are Meant to Be Forked https://zachholman.com/2010/08/dotfiles-are-meant-to-be-forked/ 7 months ago
dotfiles/git/aliases.zsh at master · rknightuk/dot... https://github.com/rknightuk/dotfiles/blob/master/git/aliases.zsh 7 months ago
Git https://git-scm.com 7 months ago
GitHub - boyter/scc: Sloc, Cloc and Code: scc is a... https://github.com/boyter/scc 7 months ago
GitHub - deweller/switchaudio-osx: Change the audi... https://github.com/deweller/switchaudio-osx 7 months ago
GitHub - grey280/playlister: A command-line tool f... https://github.com/grey280/playlister 6 months ago
GitHub - imsky/git-fresh: :lemon: Keep your Git re... https://github.com/imsky/git-fresh 7 months ago
GitHub - rknightuk/dotfiles: My dot files, zsh con... https://github.com/rknightuk/dotfiles 7 months ago
GitHub - sivel/speedtest-cli: Command line interfa... https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli 7 months ago
gitmoji | An emoji guide for your commit messages https://gitmoji.dev/ 7 months ago
iTerm2 - macOS Terminal Replacement https://iterm2.com 7 months ago
Linux/BSD command line wizardry: Learn to think in... https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/08/linux-bsd-command-line-101-using-awk-sed-and-grep-in-the-terminal/ 7 months ago
localhost.run http://localhost.run/ 7 months ago
Manage Your Git Stashes with Ease In The Command L... https://www.adamsdesk.com/posts/manage-git-stash-command-line-fzf/ 2 months ago
medium.com https://medium.com/@porteneuve/mastering-git-submodules-34c65e940407 7 months ago
ngrok | Unified Application Delivery Platform for... https://ngrok.com/ 7 months ago
Oh My Zsh - a delightful & open source framework f... https://ohmyz.sh 7 months ago
Oh Shit, Git!?! https://ohshitgit.com/ 7 months ago
Planter - BrettTerpstra.com https://brettterpstra.com/projects/planter/ 7 months ago
Share local sites via secure tunnels with Expose -... https://expose.dev/ 7 months ago
sips MAN page Man Page - macOS - SS64.com https://ss64.com/osx/sips.html 7 months ago
Starship: Cross-Shell Prompt https://starship.rs/ 7 months ago
Teach Yourself Git Without Learning a Single Git C... https://itoshkov.github.io/git-tutorial 7 months ago
The Git Commit Hash - Mike Street - Lead Developer... https://www.mikestreety.co.uk/blog/the-git-commit-hash 7 months ago
The Terminal • furbo.org https://furbo.org/2014/09/03/the-terminal/ 7 months ago
Zsh https://www.zsh.org 7 months ago